If our State and Federal Governments are going to fling money around like they have it, at least this is for something good. With our state debt so large these things always make me wonder about the math. But I do know this will be preserved forever and unspoiled now. Which perhaps is priceless.
Press release from Governor Doyle’s office:
Governor Doyle today announced more than $2.5 million in funding to protect some of Wisconsin’s unique natural areas for public use and help create the Houghton Falls Nature Preserve. The Governor made the announcement as part his eighth annual Up North tour.
“These are incredible additions to public lands in Wisconsin that will now be preserved and enjoyed for generations to come,” Governor Doyle said. “Our natural resources are one of the main reasons why people want to live, vacation, and move here. They are why businesses want to locate here. The future of our state is closely linked to our natural resources, and I’m pleased that, today, that future is looking even brighter with the protection of these lands.”
A $1,157,900 Stewardship grant and a $1,416,300 federal matching grant from the state Department of Administration’s Coastal and Estuarine Land Conservation Program will help create the Houghton Falls Nature Preserve. The project will protect more than 2,100 feet of Lake Superior shoreline, and more than 2,305 feet of forested riverbanks the empty into Lake Superior.
The Houghton Falls Nature Preserve will include Echo Dells, a scenic gorge with a series of rock cliffs, as well as forests, caves and waterfalls. When complete, the Preserve will be open for canoeing and kayaking, swimming, hiking, archery hunting, fishing, trapping, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, and carry-in boating.
The forest provides habitat for numerous species of concern including the gray wolf, northern flying squirrel, woodland jumping mouse, water shrew and bald eagle. It is also an important stopover for Neotropical migratory birds. The waters off Houghton Point serve as a fish nursery and feeding area for whitefish, trout, salmon and lake sturgeon.
Since taking office Governor Doyle has protected more than 275,000 acres of land across Wisconsin through the Stewardship Program and reauthorized the program through 2019. Since 1990, the Stewardship Fund has preserved over 580,000 acres of public land.
Under Governor Doyle’s leadership the state has had the greatest environmental accomplishments in decades. In the last seven and a half years, major strides have been made to reduce mercury in our air and water and major water clean up efforts such as the Kinnickinnic and Fox River projects have moved forward. Wisconsin is now a world leader in forest certification, ensuring sustainable management to protect our forests for future generations. Governor Doyle also led the passage of the Great Lakes Compact, ensuring the protection of the world’s largest fresh water basin for generations to come.