Sunday, January 31, 2010
Apostle Islands Sled Dog Race

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Golden Fleece Award

The Golden Fleece Award is presented to those public officials in the United States who the judges feel waste public money. Established in 1975 by former U.S. Senator William Proxmire and issued until 1988, it was revived by the Advisory Board of the Taxpayers for Common Sense in 2000. I met the Senator quite by accident in a restroom in a Madison Mall in the early 1980's. Quite a funny place to run into a Senator, he replied his wife was shopping and I made
comment about liking his Golden Fleece awards.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Saving Bayfield from well......??????WHAT????

The Border Patrol was spotted in Bayfield recently. First by a fellow blogger in the countryside and again now in Bayfield on the street. In the beautiful Chevy SUV with a very snappy color scheme that likely cost taxpapers a few dollars not to mention the cost of that 4WD SUV. There is nothing wrong with the Border Patrol keeping illegals and perhaps even terrorists from crossing our borders. We certainly know they have their work to do as the borders are crossed daily. They have a good purpose no argument there. But there is a problem with the Border Patrol in Bayfield County, there is no BORDER! What do they do??? I would love to see a daily log or a work report submitted to their superiors in Washington. On patrol on Star Route Road
we spotted a deer in the field with suspicious markings, might be a illegal deer? I guess a ship could come across Lake Superior from Canada and land on the shores of Corny? Canucks land
in Herbster, story at ten?? Why would they come here? They have Health care in Canada!
Please somebody put me in my place and tell me how shortsighted I am because they have a great purpose in Bayfield and Ashland Counties. HELP ME!!!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Postcard Memories City Dock
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Ice Sheet Bayfield

The ferry is still pounding it's way across the channel and making a open river to LaPointe. Which by the way is the oldest city name in all of Wisconsin I read last night in a history book.
We have a January thaw so the ferry may continue to run longer. El Nino is causing serious problems in the West but seems to be causing a warmer winter in Bayfield. January is on track to be above average. I'm very curious if there will be a ice road this season? It will have to happen next month if at all. I would wager no at this point. The ice boat will be in need.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Boats in waiting

Patience should be the title of the boat picture. Waiting for the new season to arrive. It's a mild winter to date frankly but it's still winter. It is pretty beautiful if you look at it the right way. Also the news is just plain ugly lately no matter how positive of a person you are. Haiti and other events in the world. It's pretty bleak at times. I saw a TV ad tonight that for once didn't offend me or make me turn away in disgust. This ad while innocent and pretty corny is very entertaining. And their products are just fine as well. So if you want a giggle click on the link.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My Hero Twiggy!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ice Sunday

A good program on Wisconsin Public Television on Sunday mornings is called InWisconsin.Hosted by Patty Loew of the Bad River Tribe. The program highlights issues in Wisconsin and stories around the state. The first link below is Lake Superior Ice Formations in Bayfield County. The second link is about Ice Research being done by the UW. This study shows the ice freeze up and conditions of inland lakes over periods of time. The study has gone on for many years on Madison lakes and 25 years at the Trout Lake research station in Vilas County. And yes the durations of time the lakes are frozen in the winter are declining. There seems to be some sort of warming taking place.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Ice and the Ferry

But after all we don't need to be concerned with this stuff, Twiggy the Water skiing squirrel is going to be at the Boat Show.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Friends of the woods missing?
Monday, January 4, 2010
Friends of the woods return again.

During some sub-zero weather the friends of the woods came to visit.It's got to be rough in the deep snow and cold in January. They get a bit of corn to keep them warmer. You wonder how they survive bedding down under a pine somewhere in the -10 degree night. If you scout around deep in the woods you can sometimes find their sleeping areas.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Arctic Time in Bayfield

The channel between Bayfield and Madeline Island is starting to ice up. The ferry is still running making it's way slowly. But soon if the nights remain cold we will have the ice road open again. Nothing is more strange then driving across a channel in a car. Stopping last year you could see that the ice was two feet thick in the middle. Still it felt very strange. This weekend was the coldest to date this winter. El Nino promised a warmer then average winter? We shall see about that? This is the Northland!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Wide shot of the Ski Hill
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